Force of Football

Olivia D.

  • As an athlete myself, I know the joy I feel when I know people are taking photos of me doing what I love. It makes me feel appreciated, so I want to make others feel that. I often take pictures of the "underdog" in sports to help encourage them when they feel doubtful about their skills or being a part of the team. Photographing the underdog often causes for more emotion and dedication shown in the photos, which I believe makes a better photo. My photo submission, "Force of Football," represents the physical strength and mental strength needed for football. Missing a block, throwing an interception, or dropping a touchdown all affect a player's mindset in the game. Sometimes completely changing the game outcome. This moment I photographed was the first play number 17 had been in for, and he made a critical block that resulted in a touchdown for the team. The player watched his teammate who scored the touchdown get all the praise while he was left walking back to the sideline. This photo shows how this player is just as important as the touchdown makers. Without that block, there would have been no touchdown. This is why I believe they are the playmakers. I want my works to reflect the importance of the underdog and how resilient they need to be to play in the face of adversity.

  • Although cliche, to me, creativity means the freedom of self-expression. Artists use art to express themselves in different ways. For me, sports photography. As someone who plays sports, my photos help me reflect my, and others, love of the game.


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