Dying Pride

Kanoa M.

  • This is a photo I took when I encountered a pride of lions in South Africa. Both the matriarchal female and the dominant male of this pride had contracted wasting disease from consuming contaminated wildebeest. The disease was brought to South Africa by cattle ranchers who introduced infected cattle. The disease soon spread to the native wildebeest population and has since then become a destructive force to lion populations. With the leaders of the pride slowly dying a painful death, the younger generation must step up to hunt and feed the rest of the pride in order to prevent collapse. The photo centers on the young main lion of the pride, in that moment he stared right through the brush and into my eyes. His eyes expressed so much emotion it seemed to tell his story.

  • Creativity is the essence of what makes us human and shapes each of us individually. For me, creativity has inspired me to pursue photography. I get to express myself in the snippets of moments that I capture. It lets me see from new perspectives and capture stories in an image.



