
Kate E.

Digital media

  • I don’t know what to write at these moments. Everyone says to write your thought process or inspiration, but there's much more inside my head than I could explain in 250 words. Even if I could say everything I wanted to say, I wouldn’t know how to write it. Fish tend to resonate with me. I was born and raised on the West Coast and I’m half Japanese, so seafood has always been a prominent part of my cultural diet. I also had many pet fish as a kid. Recently, I’ve found myself drawing fish on my class papers or notes with colored pencils and pens. While I normally draw betas, I enjoyed digitally painting overly colored koi. While fish could represent a lot of things in my art, I believe these fish represent my state of mind. Fish are very fluid and they rarely pose a threat, especially not koi. In an ideal world, koi would be free, but they are often put in a small pond for decoration. I look at the colored koi with both curiosity and exhaustion. Maybe we’re both decorations.

  • Creativity is the most interesting part of someone. A person can be a genius or be absolutely gorgeous, but they would not be interesting if they are not creative. It’s easy to have creativity, but it is difficult to use it well. That’s what makes being creative so important.


Drifting on the Stars


Daily Practice