
Lucas D.

  • "Conversation" I learned about the competition in my high school digital photography class and was inspired to create a photograph that represents our generation and current culture. As a French Citizen living in the Bay Area going to Berkeley High School, I often notice subtle differences in our cultures. I wanted my art piece to reflect one of the important differences I see daily. My art, Conversation, reflects the disconnection many teens face from the world. Most teens I see in the Bay Area do not have real face to face conversations. I often take time to enjoy the sunset when I am out walking my dog. Many people I see walking around do not seem to notice the sunset. There is a positive physiological connection we all make with eye-to-eye contact and real conversation. I chose the background to be a beautiful sunset with two people on their devices looking away from the sunset. They do not notice the sun is setting. I chose to use monochrome for the people in the image to emphasize their apathy to the beauty around them. They are disconnected from reality and just focused on their phones, rather than connecting on a deeper level enjoying each other’s company and real conversation. I want my artwork to inspire people to have real conversations which can help many teenagers feel more fulfilled. I hope my art will inspire families and teens to have more conversations and notice the beauty around them.

  • Creativity is an individuals authentic ability to create something that evokes emotion in the artist and hopefully evokes emotion in others. It can be an instrument of change. Creativity is a powerful form of an expression that speaks to one's soul.


Ups and Downs

