
Emma L.

Oil Painting

  • Over the past year, I have spent around thirty hours volunteering for a cat rescue shelter. Every week, I went to my local Pet Food Express and cleaned the area where the cats live in the corner of the store. My shifts with the cats were two hours of solace every week. Those two hours were a relief as I took my mind off everyday worries to focus on the task at hand, caring for the cats. With the cats’ lively presence, I found simple pleasures in repetitively scooping kibble and litter and cleaning up their living area. Spending time with the kitties provided a simple but comforting rhythm outside of my daily, more demanding responsibilities. When I was feeling stressed and overwhelmed, the frivolity and lighthearted sight of play-fighting cats was all it took to brighten my day. The work was wholly worthwhile to see the cats enjoy their lives in the shelter. Throughout the time I spent volunteering at the cat shelter, I grew connected with the cats, touched by the joy they brought me every week. I sincerely hope I provided company and entertainment for the cats just as they brought me joy and comfort.

  • Creativity is what sets us apart and makes us unique. It allows people to express themselves freely and represents the difference in our perceptions of the world. Creativity helps bring down peoples' walls and allows a glimpse into the beauty of our minds.




Colorful Fish