
Irene Y.

Clay, Metal wires, Cardboard, Sawdust, Glue, Acrylic paint

  • Animals have been used by humans for personal gain for thousands of years. However, as the usage of animals became excessive, it harmed animal populations. Despite their intention of conserving animal populations in zoos, humans caused animals to experience psychological distress, which prevented them from engaging in their natural behavior. I believe such confinement of animals is to be deemed unethical. The well-being of animals has always been something that I cared about, so when it came to the controversy surrounding the capturing of animals, I wanted to make a statement focussing on bringing awareness to this issue. The concept of my statement is “captured,” indicating the action of capturing a photo of captured animals. In today's world, photography is a great tool for building awareness, so I utilized a model of a camera to frame the scene of young animals caged within intertwined wires. A detail I included is the spherical shape of this cage, which represents the globe, as the welfare of animals is a global concern. The chimpanzee, giraffe, and elephant are all young and small to depict their vulnerability. Their vulnerability has the ability to evoke sympathy from the audience who see the photograph.

  • Creativity means the capacity to come up with various original ideas to convey valuable messages. It involves an imaginative process of creating connections between almost unrelated concepts and piecing ideas together. My creativity can be sparked at any moment by something I encounter, and one thought leads to another repeatedly.


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