Bathtub Bliss

Lillian S.

This piece was created using oil paint on canvas.

  • Childhood: The origins of creativity and happiness, where even the most trivial events in our everyday lives sparked some initiative to be joyful, to wonder, and to hope. This piece was created to convey the immense positivity and fantasy of a child’s perspective. The youthful innocence, to linger away for hours exploring and playing in the bathtub, differs with my perspective of it today. What used to be a time of exploring my imagination, playing with toys, drawing on the bathroom walls, and maybe accidentally falling asleep, now became a mundane chore that I rush to get over with so I can get back to studying. The upper portion of the piece represents my everyday ritual: I walk into the bathroom within the darker background, conveying a sense of distance and barrier, reminded of the once simple joy of taking a bath. In contrast, the bathtub is a beaming light of color, full of the tides of youth and miniature me’s exploring the world above and below my sea world. I would spend hours without a care in the world in the bath—it almost became like a mini vacation to me; it brought me to a place of my dreams, of beaches and the underwater world that my parents used to take me to. Now, burdened with the busy schedule of a high school junior, I can only long to reach that once youthful state of peace, creativity, and limitless freedom of a bathtub bliss.

  • Creativity is the willingness to explore one's imagination. It means stepping out of the mental “comfort zone” to always try and seek something new. I believe that being creative is the first and most necessary step to innovation.


Blanketed Memories


A Table's Tale