

Gouache paint and ink

  • This art work reflects on the amount of processed foods that are in a lot of Americans' diets and some that shouldn't be consumed at all. America is placed as the 12 country in 2023 for the amount of people who are overweight or obese. Although this may be because people drive more to get to their destinations due to the large size of the country and don't get as much exercise. But the main problem is the availably of those processed foods. America is one of the countries that has the most fast food restaurants. The convenience of these places cause the average American to ignore the health defects of eating such foods. I created this to spread the awareness to others about the consequences in doing so, hence the skulled made out of food.

  • Creativity is the ability to be able to create any form of art from your inspirations. I believe being creative can help showcase the artist's emotions or passions. A person's creativity allows someone to make something out of nothing and plays an important role in allowing them to express themselves.


Acrobatic Addiction


A Self Portrait