Abuela y yo

Ixchel E.

Mixed medium/ acrylic, oil pastels, markers, paper & canvas

  • This piece is a dedication to my abuelita Maria who passed away two-years ago in Mexico. The piece captures one of my most treasured moments with my abuelita. We are celebrating my 4th birthday in Mexico with my grandparents and extended family. The day was filled with balloons, cake, laughter, music and warm weather. My abuela stands lovingly next to me as my mother takes our picture. I miss my abuelita's laughter and her soft hands. My father misses her even more, he wasn't able to say goodbye to my abuela and had not been able to see her for over 16yrs when she passed away suddenly. We honor my abuela every year during dia de muertos and say "presente" after her name.

  • Creativity means- being able to express your feelings, thoughts and ideas without judgement. It allows artists like myself to create personal messages that provoke reactions or spark memories in others. Creativity is freedom on canvas.


The Painted Ladies

