A Plea

Ziqi Z.

acrylic paint

  • School violence is becoming an increasingly pervasive issue. Last March, sadly, a 16-year-old student at a nearby high school was stabbed to death. Soon after, we were put on lockdown due to a gun threat. I still remember my heart was pounding in my throat as I concealed myself in the darkness, wondering if the windows were bulletproof. Reports of school incidents persist in the news. Wanting to speak out, our school held a walkout to protest for student safety. Our signs, though made of sticks and poster paper, were powerful in their message. In this piece, I experimented with fluorescent colors in juxtaposition with a monotonic background and varying degrees of opacity to capture the voices of students across the nation, fearful yet strong, blending and converging into one unanimous plea: keep us safe!

  • Creative Art is way go-to way of expressing both my identity and the issues I care about. The process is cathartic, and I treasure it greatly. When I look back, I recognize that art has helped build my confidence and has shaped me tremendously.


A Table's Tale


Robot Samurai