Wild Iris

Luna W.

  • I had just received a new phone for my birthday, and since the phone model was known for its great camera I decided to take a few test pictures in my back yard. This picture was one of a few pictures I took, but it was one of the best according to several people I asked. There was one other picture though, but I ultimately decided to submit this one. Also, one of the main reasons I received a new phone was because my mom knew I liked doing art (which included photography) and she also knew my old phone was running out of storage, which would have made me unable to take more pictures without getting rid of older memories/photos.

  • Art has been a part of my life for many years. I tend to doodle a lot, and I do quite a bit of art on my phone. In 8th grade I had Art 1 as my elective, where I learned a lot about shading and a lot of basic techniques, and this year I am taking Multimedia Art. I also love photography.


Bugs Eye View

