Short Break

Sarp G.

  • Capturing a photo of an animal is always a challenging endeavor. Most animals are skittish and quickly flee when you try to take a photo, especially smaller animals such as birds. However, patience, persistence, and sometimes even sheer luck can yield amazing results with nature photography. I go on many hikes in and around my community, and I always make sure to bring my camera during these walks. I photographed this hummingbird on one such outing. It perched upon the branch of a small tree only a few yards from me. I scrambled to get my camera ready. I zoomed in and then snapped a photo before the hummingbird flew away and continued going about its day.

    What I most enjoy about this photograph is that I took it while simply walking around my neighborhood. It is incredibly easy to overlook how nature permeates our own lives, even when we live in crowded areas that one would assume to be devoid of life. With nature photography, I hope to not only capture the beauty of nature, but also demonstrate that it is universal in all of our lives; it is often only a matter of knowing where to look.

  • Through nature photography, I have learned much more about local flora and fauna, and can identify these organisms endemic to my home. I now have a deeper understanding and respect of the natural environments and habitats that coexist with the communities I live in.


The Last Flowers

