
Sangeet B.

  • When I made Serenity, I was making my second EP Dreams and Nightmares, a storytelling EP about how a toxic relationship turns a man bitter and cynical. Within the tracklist, Serenity is placed at the pivotal point where the character is hurt to the point where he is numb and cold. When one of my friends sent me a slow, chill R&B track, I knew this was the beat I needed to use for Serenity. When I got the beat, I was incredibly hyped and inspired by it; I immediately got to thinking about how to write my lyrics. After a while, I decided that I was going to do something I hadn't done in a long time — I was going to freestyle. With an understanding of the character's condition in the song, I got myself in the mood by changing the lighting in my home studio and digging deep into times I felt like my character. When I was ready, I hit the record button and just sang what came to my mind. When I finished the freestyle, I listened back and realized I really put my all into that take. I sent the demo to one of my friends and asked them for feedback, and they told me they thought that it felt raw and authentic. With that feedback, I decided to just layer on ad-libs at the end that would elevate the vibe of the song. I sent the track back to my producer and asked him to make certain tweaks to the beat; when he sent me the final track master, I mixed and mastered my vocals, finally completing the song.

  • When I express myself creatively, I am able to better appreciate the small and simple things that surround me. Similarly, it allows me to extend my creativity to other aspects of my life, from math to marketing. Furthermore, when it gives me catharsis, it calms me down and keeps me positive.



