Night At The Rocky Horror Picture Show

Erika M.

  • I made this photo the Saturday before Halloween. My friends and I had decided to attend the 12 am Rocky Horror Picture Show screening, so by the time we made it to the theater, the sky was dark and the city was shrouded in shadows - except for the theater, welcoming us in with its neon fluorescent sign and lights. As I walked up to the building, I knew I needed to capture this moment. The way the mood of the city around me was transformed by the colors omitted from the sign above. I pulled out my camera, adjusted my settings, and kneeled on the cold concrete to create the right angle. I wanted the viewer to feel like they were experiencing this moment with me, looking up at the bright lights and black sky, creating a beautiful contrast and a sense of excitement. I returned from the show in the early morning, managing to catch only four hours of sleep. Although I felt painfully groggy in the morning, I was energized by my experience of the night before. How a group of people, friends, and strangers, came together to shout and laugh at a movie musical from the 70s. Looking back at this photo two months later, I feel it truly captures the essence of that night: the excitement I felt in my stomach, the love I felt for my friends, the confidence I felt in my outfit, and the brightness of the moment as a whole. As you look at this photo, I hope you feel it all too.

  • Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved to create and express myself through art. Releasing my thoughts and energy creatively brings me joy as I am not only able to create something meaningful to me but also reflect a part of myself in whatever I am making.


Mini Car

