Life After Loss

Ahtziry U.

  • I think that you cannot have love without death and vise versa. You can never truly feel love at its peak unless you have experienced a moment where you have felt pure emotional agony. The inspiration for this writing comes from a lesson in my biology class. During the lesson, we learned that fires burning down forests can help recycle nutrients in the soil so that the forest can regrow more abundant than before. When I learned this, I immediately spotted the connections between the forests and my own life. There have been moments in my life where I have felt as though I have been completely burned to the ground. It feels as though I will never go back to how I previously was. I realized that you will never go back to being who you were previously, after an experience like that. You will grow into someone new, into a person you need to be. You will grow back plentiful and healthier than before.

  • Exploring my creativity is taking a look into myself. When I write, I evaluate my feelings that seem so abstract and complicated in my mind, and translate that to my writing. It allows me to feel a sense of comfort. Without exploring myself and communicating that to my writing, I'd never feel whole.


Ocean Lullaby


3 Poetry Shorts: Intruder, Suitcase: A Tool for Encasement, and Breaking Up with Home