Gardening On A Sunny Day

Cedar S.

  • I was totally lucky to get the stream of water hitting the plants in the way that it is in this picture. It wasn't there a moment before when I lined the shot up, and then was gone the next. I think something that is captured well in this photograph is the impermanence of everything and the beauty that you can find by simply existing in the present. To me, this photograph represents a moment of peace and stillness in this crazy, ever-moving world, where so many people are hurting so much of the time.

    I wanted to create a series that showed people continuing to live their lives and finding a new normality after cover, and this picture is from that larger collection. I think we as a collective society have gone through so much trauma and bad things in the past few years, so I wanted to create something that represented healing, and a new normality.

  • Creativity to me, is permission to be myself in a world where often that is looked down on, or openly told that it's wrong. Photography has given me an outlet to express myself, and make statements that I couldn't otherwise, or simply show other people the beauty that I see in everyday life.




Sparks of Light in the Darkness