
Anushka T.

  • My artwork started as a list of thoughts scribbled in a notebook, late at night. The most interesting thoughts usually come to me at night, when I have time to explore my thoughts. I keep a diary, and was reflecting on how personal a diary can feel when one's innermost thoughts are written in it. I guard my diary very carefully, because if anyone were to read it, I would feel as if they had looked inside me and left my heart feeling violated. These were the feelings I drew upon and described when writing a first draft for my poem. I prefer to write poems in the moment when I am feeling the emotion, but they always come out incoherent, so I have to create a second draft. This draft I create when I have thought through what I want the poem to mean, and I reorganize the first draft, but also add or remove parts depending on what is needed.

  • Writing, especially poetry, has an essential impact on my life, because it allows me to express my feelings. Anytime I have struggled to understand my emotions, I could write poems, putting my thoughts into verses and a layer of figurative language to see my inner world.


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