Burn from Hamilton

Melanie O.

  • I decided to do this cover of Burn from Hamilton because it brought me to tears the first time I watched Phillipa Soo perform it. It was an astonishing experience. It felt as if I could physically feel the language (the music, lyrics, and acting) throughout my entire body. The power and impact of her performance are what inspired me to do this cover because it's such an amazing thing to be able to bring so much emotion to a person through performing arts. Getting through the song without crying was challenging because i was putting so many different emotions into it, it became overwhelming. Overwhelming in an indescribably good way.

  • Social interactions aren’t easy for me; things like holding conversations and eye contact are challenging and stressful. I started music and theater classes in 7th and since then I have used art as the platform to say everything I need to say in a way that comes easily to me.


Untitled (Original)


Interstellar by H. Zimmer