
Johannah N.

  • My family and I were staying in a small cabin on a lake in Oregon. I wanted to wake up early to see the sunrise over the lake, so I set my alarm. When I woke up in the morning, I seriously thought about going back to sleep but instead, I squeezed out of the bed my sister and I were sharing, slipped on my shoes, and grabbed my camera. I took the first step out of the old cabin and as the door creaked I felt the cold air hit my face. I had started my walk to the lake when I noticed an old car parked by the side of the road. At first glance, the old pickup truck looked like a rusty, rundown car someone had abandoned long ago. As I stopped to look a little longer, the mountain around the lake lined up perfectly behind the truck. And the dark colors of the forest behind the truck matched it’s green accents. The mountain cliffs behind the car we’re starting to pick up the sun’s golden light. So what at first seemed like an old run down truck in the middle of nowhere appeared to me as a perfectly set photo with the contrast of nature and human-made creations along with the perfect lighting of the first morning sun picking up on the bits of rust. So as I took the photo, I hoped that the picture I took captures that beautiful vision.

  • When taking photos, I feel imaginative and free. Wandering around and looking to find the right split second in time to capture a moment. Being given the creative freedom to capture and showcase a scene however it appears to you is an amazing feeling.



