
Hunter R.

  • My project is a personal exploration of comfort and familiarity. Modeled after a small suburban house, the ceramic box summarizes one of the most recognizable and comforting parts of my life: a home. We all have a unique experience in our homes, some are not as fortunate as mine and deal with more difficulty and challenging experiences. However, I am focusing on my personal experience. As I navigated my experience of being isolated for almost two years, I spent more time in my home than most would usually intend.

    The simplistic cube design lent itself to the exploration of a classic house structure. The traditional composition is detailed with colorful muted glazes intended to make the work somewhat playful without being cartoonish. My choice to cover the house with greenery informs the viewer that it’s cared for and maintained. With a brick fireplace seemingly in use, the billowing clouds of smoke implied there are people living inside, going about their daily lives and for a moment, time is paused. It cannot be just a building, one that’s likely empty and unused. This house asks that it be lived in, capturing experiences in each room, leaving an intangible mark or stain and giving it a sense of importance, meaning and purpose. The sense of comfort and familiarity resides in the fact that it is a home we've viewed on many streets, dreamt about, seen in movies and tv shows. Yet, it is a place that some call home.

  • For me, creativity is mostly about having fun. It's very rewarding to have an idea, enjoy taking the steps to make it happen, and ending up with something that I feel proud of. Sometimes, things aren't so easy and can even be frustrating, but that's just something to learn from.


Skulls Are Always Smiling

