
Chelsea M.

  • My box is inspired by the stressful times of 2020. I designed the outside of my box with clouds to represent calmness and relaxation. I find clouds to be very peaceful and watching them relaxes me. During the stay-at-home orders, the uncertainty and isolation caused anxiety and depression.

    My box represents calm during the storm. Blue skies and clouds floating above a tortured land. Living in a pandemic is hard for everyone. When I think of a positive word or phrase for this time calm in the storm felt light. So, I fashioned my box by hand, each cloud molded with care. Then painted and fired to complete it.

  • Creativity to me is an expression of who you are and how you see the world. For me personally, creativity comes in waves and is often inspired by my current moods, feelings, and experiences. When we create something, it is our own. It is an outlet and also a gift.


Terrestrial Teapot


mandala color pattern