Unknown path

Yulieth A.

  • The collection of pictures you see are all based around the theme of things Yulieth likes to do or feels. She uses the power of shadows to enhance a deep and dark atmosphere within her pictures while also exposing her pictures to the divinity of brightness and shining light into them to portray a positive and angelic feeling. In addition, she added some quotes that she herself came up with during her darkest and brightest days. She plays around with different styles, for example, the black and white effect we see in various parts of her work. She also works around the imperfections of the blurred pictures in order to display the close up ones. Both images equally complement each other with their limitations and uniqueness. She hopes that her work can be the voice she desperately wants so that her audience can know her story from her perspective and know both the good and bad feelings she lives with.

  • Creativity to me means style. It means the way you view the world without the perception and the opinion of others. Creativity comes differently to a lot of us but its how we express this creativity that really shows us how creative our persona really is.


Mother Volga

