Two Comfortable Fish

Desmond F.

  • My class visited the California Academy of Sciences for a field trip. While we were there, we wandered through and marveled at all of the different exhibits. The one that most sparked my interest was the aquarium. It held several dark rooms illuminated only by bright blue walls of water, populated with a wide array of vibrant and diverse marine life. While I was taking in the awe inspiring display, two fish, in a rather peculiar position for fish, caught my eye. Yellow and translucent seaweed, which wrapped around them, contrasted well with their cold yet vibrant bodies and showed motion that traveled out of the frame. I didn't take this into consideration when actually taking the photo but, later, when I was scrolling through all the ones I had taken on the trip, this one stood out to me. I figured that, since I liked the picture, I would pretty it up by editing out the scratches on the glass and make the colors pop just a little bit more without straying too far from what I had originally seen. I did so and decided to submit it to this contest as I thought it was an interesting and somewhat beautiful composition.

  • My definition of creativity is the ability to use one’s resources to create something original and unique.




Daisy Days