Till It Happens to You by C. Bailey Rae

Olivia R.

  • For my artwork, I will be singing a cover of Corrine Bailey Rae’s , Till It Happens To You. My voice teacher, Amber introduced this song to me and I have loved and listened to it nonstop for a while. The lyrics of this song embodies a woman discussing the aftermath of a breakup and how no one will know what it’s like unless it has happened to them personally. As a singer, I look up to Corrine Bailey Rae’s calm tone and effortless runs; she is definitely one of my favorite artists. I hope you enjoy this cover!!

  • Creativity is love, anger, sadness and joy. Creativity portrays internal thoughts through a passion. In a way, creativity is a form of communication through art. My creativity comes from my love for music and singing. I use my voice to share whatever I am feeling or thinking about the world.


This time again by Omar J.


Desafinado by J. Gilberto & S. Getz