The Living Bubbles

Niki S.

  • I capture what inspires me, something that is apart of this world when I see it, I see it as something magical. In other worlds I try to capture a fantasy, dream, a moment to make audience look twice and the second time for the details, of our beautiful home, earth. My art process while making my pieces is patience, to capturing the right moment, redrawing multiple time, too re-designing any of my creations. Art is my passion from a young age I always loved creating pieces with my hands, I still continue this passion of mine through any of my pieces. Without capturing these moments you forget that our planet was hand designed and created by the creator. This piece is called, " The Living Bubbles," this captured the moment of the fluidity of a jellyfish. In life we all must be fluid, moving where life takes us, and a jellyfish does exactly that, they flow through the ocean, where ever the current takes them. I was so mesmerized by the colors of the body and tentacles, it makes you realize that these are such beautiful creature and yet the sting of one could send you to the hospital. My process was that I wanted to capture the moment where you could see a jellyfish in all of its glory, it took a more than a few shots until I got it.

  • Creativity means that I am able to express myself however I feel like, through dance, drawing, sewing, photography, watercolor, jewelry and more. It is become apart of me, defines who I am as a person.




Como la Flor