Phu T.

  • "TET" is a film that demonstrates an issue that happens frequently during the new year in Vietnam, where I was born. The story is about a gambling addict's daughter stealing money from her parents during the new year to gamble and learning her lesson after she met a homeless guy. The film was made during the lockdown, I find it really difficult, there was no one around to help, I have to do everything on my own and google things I have questions about. Before the shoot, I have to wait for everyone to get vaccinated then we shoot around the house with limited props and technologies. For the editing, it took me a long period of time to get it done because I wanted to experience lots of tools in Adobe Premiere and also re-watch many times searching for errors before exporting.

  • For me, creativity starts with passion. When you enjoy what you doing, your mind will be flowing with ideas and motivation. From there, you will see the whole world with different perspectives giving you spaces to create and shape your works in a unique way.


I Love Loki

