
Shelby W.

  • This picture shows my little sister surrounded by a pile of stuffies making her look like a stuffed animal too. I made this image originally just for an assignment, but now it’s kind of turned into something I really like and am proud of. I needed to create a conceptual portrait, and I had the idea of using stuffed animals somehow since my sister has hundreds of them. First, I thought of throwing them up and having them all float around her, but I couldn’t figure out how to do it since it was just me and her. Then I had the idea of putting the stuffed animals around her to make her look like she is one too. At that point in the day, she was really tired and moody too, so just laying on her bed while she had soft things around her sounded good to my sister too. So I gathered some of her stuffies and put them on her bed on top of her. This image shows a view into someone’s childhood and innocence. It shows how the subject views the world and what she’s surrounded by, which is stuffed animals. I like how soft this image looks and the lighting. I like how much detail you can see in the stuffed animals and the texture and then my sister’s expression. The image is very light and looks very fluffy. I also like how the stuffed animals frame her face. Overall, I really like this image and it was really fun to make.

  • To me, creativity means using your imagination to create something new. This could be new ideas or actual tangible things. Creativity means thinking outside the box and using information you already have to create something new or have a new idea. It’s all about new perspectives and original ideas.




The Streets of Dublin from A Man of No Importance by S. Flaherty, L. Ahrens