Self portrait

May W.

  • My Artistic Process was based on an initial concept, loosely inspired by the artist Stephanie Ledoux. My work centers around creating a self-portrait that reflects my identity as a female, teenager, and Asian. My piece was developed using ripped pages as background layer, with some pages coming from a feminist book ‘The Second Sex’, revealing my identity and voice as a female. I used mixed media for the self portrait and as my proces further developed, I decided to incorporate collage poetry, also from ‘The Second Sex’ to reflect the complicated and intricate mind of a teenager, and mixed emotions of love and hate - some elements and pieces that compose ‘me’.

    As my work further evolved I used different media and techniques to create emphasis and contrast, such as backlighting the subject to create more of a layered focal point. The final step of my process involved reflection and making any final small changes to the work.

  • To me, creativity is the expression of my personal identity and the voice of my inner heart. Creativity to me is also about the connection between myself and the world. Making art is my way of communicating with the world - visually expressing and sharing my unique inner experience.


Rabbit vs Dragon


Swimming Through Space