
Ariel L.

  • Size: 20” x 24”

    Medium: Charcoal

    This piece was my art final for last semester. The project was to choose objects that might reflect you.

    The objects I chose–perfume bottle, lip balm, and lotion–reflect me because they are objects that I use often and are all for self-care.

    I tried to create this piece with composition in mind. I wanted to create depth into the page and used the tissue to create a sort of ground for the drawing to exist on. The background is dark for added drama and to highlight the brights in the drawing–such as the bottle cap–as well as a contrast from the tissue. I really enjoyed working on all the little details in areas such as the glass bottle and cap of the lotion.

    I love how through observation and drawing, I’m able to appreciate these objects more. The meaning I’m trying to convey through this piece is the significance of small everyday objects and how they can be beautiful if we appreciate them.

    This past semester, I used charcoal for the first time. It has been really fun learning how to use charcoal and other mediums and I hope to continue making art and experimenting.

  • Creativity, to me, means allowing all possibilities to be considered without self-restriction. This is especially true for artistic creation but is also necessary for almost any field. It means letting my mind wander to places I otherwise hadn’t considered which is a mindset that requires courage.



