Relevant Vandalism

Amani C.

  • Relevant Vandalism is a piece to represent this box our school system puts us in. Each scene or piece in this project follows these two vigilants “vandalizing” my school, Alameda High. I felt as though vandalism or graffiti has a negative connotation, but I was inspired by Banksy, a graffiti artist who does real interpretive graffiti instead of just tagging one’s name. The graffiti in this project reflects the effects of the school system rather than just being random mischief by students hence the title, Relevant Vandalism. There’s a reason behind every piece which is up to the viewer to have their own interpretation.

  • Creativity means the ability to put an idea into any type of form or just bring a idea to some type of fruition. My personal creativity includes many different forms including visual art, photography, music, and fashion and idea that I can create anything I think of is very important to me.



