Orange Lotus

Ethan C.

  • I constructed this piece when I was doing online school during quarantine. I originally built the shape of the front and back of my piece out of cardboard and then I went into nature to find inspiration for what designs could fit in the shape I cut out of cardboard. I looked at many different trees, plants and patterns and really liked combining leaves with the focal point of a flower that pops out of the piece on the front. I constructed the four sides of the vase and then made the leaves. I put the leaves in a pattern where the go diagonally up from the bottom right of the front side to the top left of the front side and I made different sized and shaped leaves that went from biggest on the right towards the bottom to smaller on the left towards the top. The different shapes of the leaves were spread across the design. I then constructed the flower and put it in the middle of the leaves. I glazed the piece in colors that I thought showed beauty. I wanted the flower to stick out in a brighter color.

  • My creativity from freshman year to senior year has changed from observations to more abstract ideas where I think of creating something that is an extension of myself. My craftsmanship has needed to improve to be able to make pieces that show more of my personality.


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