Lonely Eyes

River E.B.

  • This painting is one of my first abstract pieces, and while creating it I got really deeply involved with the process. I purely used my hands as tools to paint with, feeling the different consistencies of the paint moving beneath my fingers. My process with any abstract piece is to simply feel the emotion that I want to portray, funneling the feeling onto the canvas, showing it with strokes of color and texture. The concept of this painting is the feeling of breaking down; of feeling anxious, numb and broken- and yet someone still cares enough to comfort you. I chose a cooler color palette to try and show this, with blue and purple- but with sparks of bright yellow scattered in. The yellow represents the sudden appearance of hope, often coming hand in hand with a caring, helping hand.

  • Creativity means so much to me. It has been a way of life for as long as I can remember, I was taught by my parents to create beautiful things- whether it be through writing, drawing, cooking or speaking. I could not live without my creativity, as it brings so much joy into my life every day.


The Loop and The Paradox


A Hummingbird