Konavle Keepsakes

Natalia C.

  • I created multiple pieces using my own photography, and creating drawings overtop through the use of Procreate and Photoshop. These photographs were taken during a solo trip to Croatia where I met up with family to visit my grandmother's home village. I also incorporated old photographs that I was shown, as they gave me visuals of what used to be. I used the stories that I heard as a child, of my grandmother growing up on a farm with seven siblings to inspire my drawings of what life was like in the village of Konavle. My grandmother an animal lover, so I created an image of her father walking the sheep home, and an image of a horse standing outside the house. The trip strengthened my connection to all of my family from Croatia, as before the trip I had little understanding of what their youth was really like. The experience of traveling to a foreign country alone was extremely symbolic for me as my grandmother immigrated to the U.S. without her parents or siblings as a young adult. This piece is an ultimate reflection of my gratitude for my family that struggled to immigrate and seek a better future abroad.

  • I have found that digital art has been the perfect way for me to express my creativity. When I am able to incorporate photography into my work I can use elements of my real life in my fantasy art work.


The Guardian’s Friend

