Ike in the Sun

Sarah P.

  • My artistic process comes from the world around me. I love to capture things as they are, whether it be mundane objects or showcasing my loved ones as I see them. I submitted a picture of my dog. We had just built a new deck in our backyard, and it was made of Ipe wood so it wouldn’t get burning hot like our last one. My dog, Ike, went outside on a sunny day and laid down, eventually falling asleep. There was a light breeze blowing his fur around. I went out with him, and after he fell asleep I took a picture. He still likes to lay on our deck when it’s warm, and it’s very cute. I brought out the warmer tones in the picture and added contrast to show what the weather was like that day, and brightened the shadows to lighten the mood.

  • To me, creativity means thinking outside the box and looking at things from a different perspective. It means using your imagination and problem solving skills to create, solve, or improve something.


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