Haiku for You

George R.

  • "Haiku for You" is a through-composed piece for a jazz octet. (Note: due to time constraints, the recording starts at rehearsal letter "C" or measure 32.) The inspiration for the piece came after reflecting on a collection of haikus I had once journaled during a very emotionally turbulent point in my life. I decided to write for this particular group and instrumentation because they are some of my closest friends, and I believe that music is most meaningfully conveyed by musicians who share deep love and understanding for each other, and I knew that because of this, they would be able to bring my composition and its emotions to life. I met with them weekly, each time bringing in a new draft, until I knew I had reached the final result and what was most true to me and my compositional voice.

  • Creativity is what flows from the soul without restriction—when I make something in absolute accordance with who I am, who I was and will be, and the people and world around me. Expressing myself creatively helps me laugh, smile, and cry as I realize the simple beauty of it all.




Extraordinary Path