
Tiana K.

  • This photo was taken towards the end of a week of full rain. I really loved how the raindrops sat so peacefully on the grass. I didn't want to disturb the surrounding nature, so I tried to get as close to the blade of grass as I could. I took this photo a few different ways, but this shot was one of my favorites. The main focus of the photo is in the middle and was eye-catching. All of the movement was still as well which made it easier to capture the raindrop on the grass. I was also able to focus on the framing and placement of the nature around it. I thought that if I could get close to the biggest droplet, I could somehow incorporate the other pieces of grass into a frame of some sort around the main center of focus. One of the biggest challenges was making sure that I did not overexpose the droplets. This process was extremely difficult and took almost ten minutes of me messing with my camera settings. I also chose to use a smaller field of view so that the surrounding grass wouldn't be too distracting from the main focus of the photo.

  • Creativity to me is the idea of something that helps you express yourself. Music, writing, photography, etc. Creativity is a flow of all kinds of art inspiration. Overall, creativity is absolutely beautiful, any shape or form. There are so many different ways to express yourself and your work.




Hazy Blue