Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum by C. Debussy

Jayna C.

  • I am playing Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum by Claude Debussy. Debussy was a composer during the Impressionist period of classical works. His pieces are known for their focus on texture, mood, and atmosphere, similar to the Impressionist artwork of his time. Throughout this process, I focused on conveying a feeling of wonder and lightness I envisioned Debussy was looking for. While the piece requires an immense amount of control and consistency, the goal is to make the performance seem effortless and calming!

  • To me, creativity means taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone. It's one thing to develop the skills of an art form, but it's another thing to make it truly your own. Trying things that have never been done before, even if you don't know they will work, is what creativity is all about!


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