Colorful Cat


  • This work’s focus is on the center of the collage because it’s purpose is to stand out from the background. I painted my cat on a piece of plastic then cut out colored pieces from magazines. Each of the magazine shapes I created are similar shades of the main color used in that cut out, then I grouped them together in patterns, for a neat look. After, layers were added to make the background look less flat. All of the colors are filling the paper around the main subject, while the middle is untouched and semi-dull, (with detail).

    The inspiration behind this work was to show that being different can be a positive contribution to certain things. This is shown in my work by having the cat not match the setting but still completing the picture as a whole in a complementary way.

  • Creativity is a way to express thoughts in different ways. There are many different strategies to showing creativity, such as different medias, styles, or inventions. The ways it is shown can inspire others to display their own original thoughts for new audiences, or the same audience.




Lost in the clouds