Cabinet Reflection

Daniel G.

  • I have selected this photo because of how weird and strange the photo feels. The way I positioned it, the cabinet at almost a 45 degree angle, and the small mirror on the left side, also at about a 45 degree rotation, is angled in such a way that the part of the right cabinet being reflected off the mirror on the left looks like it is just another part of the cabinet, when the left corner is hidden behind the larger cabinet. I’m not sure how to describe it but there’s something very strange about the shadows on top of the cabinet, as well as in the reflection, that are just really appealing to me. When actually taking the photo, I wasn’t actually thinking of these things, I did see the mirror and thought that it would make a very interesting photo, and I did think of how the reflection would make it look like a complete cabinet when it is obscured by the larger cabinet, and it wasn’t until we got back that I actually noticed these details, and figured it was better if I didn’t touch it, as I feared it could ruin the contrast between the reflection and the shadows. When it comes to singling out photos that I really like above the rest that I take, I really like the usage of making things appear bigger or smaller than they actually are, like having a camera all the way on the ground and taking photos of vegetation, which make them look much bigger than they actually are, the positioning of scenery in the foreground and background that have a lot of depth to them, and are even confusing in the view, as in you’re not sure how far away or close up one of the layers of the foreground/background are, and I also like the use of reflections either to convey something that doesn’t really make a lot of sense, or using reflections to expand the scope of the scene, in this case it was the use of reflections to show something that is initially confusing, and makes you question what you are seeing.

  • It is a way of expressing that is unique to every individual person, it can be in any hobby, involve any number of people, and how "creative" a person is depends on how much they express it, but anyone can be creative if they really want to.


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