Billie’s Bounce by C. Parker

George R.

  • "Billie's Bounce" is a blues composed by the saxophonist Charlie Parker. As a saxophonist myself, "Billie's Bounce" has been one of my favorite jazz standards to jam on whenever I'm with my friends ever since I first learned it. In my recording, on my saxophone, I play two choruses of the melody, improvise a solo for several choruses over typical blues chord changes, and then play the melody once more before ending the song.

    Please note: This is an individual, not ensemble, application on behalf of just the saxophonist (myself) in the recording. The pianist, bassist, and drummer are just providing a rhythm section for me to play along with and are not involved in this submission.

  • Creativity is what flows from the soul without restriction—when I make something in absolute accordance with who I am, who I was and will be, and the people and world around me. Expressing myself creatively helps me laugh, smile, and cry as I realize the simple beauty of it all.




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