Clare A.M.

  • My artistic process is something deeply personal to me. While making art, I tend to submerge myself into the experience. My photography generally reflects the headspace I'm in and how I imagine it would manifest visually. While taking photos, there is a switch that flips in my head; the normal anxieties and stresses I have about life turn into visual concepts that I make into art. In general, I focus on portraits of people close to me in my artwork. I am portraying them in what I view as a vulnerable state to further emphasize the extensive thought put behind the photo. Eyes looking directly into the camera, looking away, facing towards a light source; most of these things are intentional. If they aren't, I believe it adds to the reality of the photo. My intention while creating these pieces was to express something from within myself, but also give the opportunity for others to reflect and get something out of it as well.

  • Creativity means expression of emotions, personal standards of beauty and the contradicting ideas of complexity and simplicity. It is too broad of a subject to truly express in words. It's a precious skill that not everyone recognizes, it can help life become more worthwhile.


Take Flight


Happiness on the Water