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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

Stuck Inside

Stuck Inside is a comedic mockumentary about an unemployed waitress and a hard working lawyer battling the ups and downs of quarantine from the comforts of their home. Sabrina is a former waitress who got laid off at the start of quarantine. She struggles to find a new job in the new climate and faces unemployment. She is forced to find new ways to spend her time and cope with the social isolation. Elle struggles with her fear of the virus, and tries to keep extroverted Sabrina from putting them at risk. This mockumentary is a great showcase of the economic and mental health struggles people have had to battle during the pandemic that is very relatable to many.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

Aro to the Heart

We begin when the Narrator introduces the audience to Jaz, an everyday good student, and Stephen, a jock. They are destined to be together. However, the cliché bumping into each other results in Jaz totally romantically unaffected, and Stephen wondering whether or not they feel the same way.

Later, Jaz switches up theirs and Stephen’s backpacks, and Jaz’s quirky friend Lidia tells Stephen he should proceed in his courting pursuit with caution. The Narrator is annoyed at Jaz’s continual obliviousness to the cliché meet-cutes, and arranges one more—the falling over of each other—on the football field. Jaz slips away yet again, and Stephen asks them why they don’t seem to like him, and they tell him they’re aromantic. Stephen accepts this, the Narrator is defeated, and the script ends.

Aro to the Heart subverts the expectation that the leads in fiction need to get together—with each other, or anyone at all. It combines expected romantic meet-cutes with half-expected people into an unexpected end.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin


A young girl develops a crush on a boy she’s been talking to over the internet. After a few weeks, she decides she wants to meet him. Her friends are consistent with their worry for her safety, but she doesn’t listen. After hanging out with the boy she realizes she should’ve listened to her friends.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

The Introduction

Alex, a quiet but friendly young man walks into a party. He doesn’t know too many people there, but isn’t necessarily a loner either. Alex finds the friend he came to see, Ryan, and they exchange some friendly banter before the focus shifts. Ryan introduces Alex to Margot, the charismatic woman at his side, and a flashback begins. As the montage plays, we become aware that Alex and Margot dated, the flashback guiding the audience through their relationship from beginning to end. We see them meet at a coffee shop, playfully argue over films and talk on the phone. As the flashback progresses, the two start to fall out of love, as Margot’s fiery personality wants something different than Alex’s traditional plans. The implied ending of their relationship occurs when Margot leaves for a business trip and never comes back. The flashback ends and we see Ryan, unaware, reintroduce Margot and Alex as if they were strangers. The film ends with Margot pretending they’ve never met.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin


A screenplay about two highschool outcasts that bond over their calling to fight against the coming apocalypse.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin


Over the course of a few years, Alex, a 14 year old boy who loves to help people, finds himself stuck in a manipulative friendship. When he receives a phone call from his friend, Tom, asking for help with homework, he does so, even though it is clear he doesn’t particularly want to. A year passes and Alex receives another phone call from Tom. When Alex suggests that the two volunteer for a blood drive, Tom immediately shuts him down and makes him feel sorry for even suggesting it because Tom hates blood. Alex hangs up, now ashamed. Another year passes and a disheveled Alex finds himself yet again on the phone with Tom, who implicitly threatened to commit suicide. Alex does his best to calm him down and leaves stressed and anxious. He returns later that night tired and miserable, before receiving advice from his mother, who reveals that she has been in a similar situation with Alex’s father. After a few months of implied hardship, Alex finally stands up to Tom and speaks his mind, effectively ending the codependent friendship.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

Death of Youth

A struggling teen gets lost in the darkness and solitude that is growing up as his younger self reminds him what it feels like to live youthfully. The ending leaves the viewer wondering if the younger boy was merely a fragment of his imagination? Or if the older boy has really and truly lost himself forever?

Death of Youth is worthy of becoming a movie due to the way it enthralls the viewer and really forces them to think. It seamlessly combines thrill with tragedy in a way that is tasteful, unique, and relatable. It’s a new twist to your coming of age story that will certainly catch the viewers off guard.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

Crushing Anxiety

Anxious, bisexual and non-binary teenager Alex develops a crush on a girl named Niki. Alex faces homophobia from her friends and has to grapple with their social anxiety to talk to Niki.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

Delayed Results

An intelligent high school boy named Liam is chosen to go to NASA special program. The only thing in his way from going is the paperwork. Given two days to finish it, Liam decides to spend his time wisely finishing other things like social hour and homework before his paperwork. But the day of, Liam forgets about paperwork and is unable to turn it in on time. The next day, Liam is forced to watch the results of his procrastination as his friends board the NASA bus without him.

Procrastination is a huge problem among high school students. Bad study habits caused by procrastination can lead to unwanted consequences like failing tests, unable to submit homework, and etc. I want to highlight this issue because if students don't learn the hard way then they will miss out on life changing opportunities in the future. One small step toward the right direction is a huge change.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

I Did It My Way

I Did It My Way is a realistic fiction that follows two teen boys pining for the part of Macbeth in a local Shakespeare production.

After Samuel scores the part, Virgil feels robbed of his rightful place. Not content with the understudy, Virgil struggles to think of an ethical way to get Samuel to give up the part. When nothing comes up, he vents to his father through letters that never reach the mailbox. Samuel tries to coexist with Virgil but this only makes things worse. Come the night of the final performance, Virgil is about ready to go to any extremes to land the role.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

Two Can Keep a Secret

After a practical joke gone horribly wrong, two frantic teenagers have to brainstorm ideas of how to hide the body of their friend, who they may have accidentally killed. While on a hike, Nick is pushed down a hill by his friend, Brett, as a joke and ends up unconscious. Brett and their friend, Sydney, jump to the conclusion that they killed him. The two think of ways to cover up their crime. Brett tries to use the internet to search “how to hide a body”, while Sydney believes that using acid to dissolve Nick would be the best bet. They argue on their respective ideas before coming to the agreement that burying Nick is the right way to cover up their crime. Sydney retrieves a trowel from Brett’s car and they dig a mediocre grave. Neither of the two notice that Nick is moving on his own, and that he is unconscious rather than dead. They throw him in the grave and start to run away. Nick wakes up and scares Brett and Sydney, who attack him in their panic. When they realize that he is still alive, they tell Nick to forget about what they did and to go home. Two Can Keep a Secret has comedic value and dysfunctional relationships between characters that create an amusing film. The mishaps of the cast are engaging and contain surprise twists to keep viewers entertained.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

Breakout Love

Breakout Love is a story about two teenagers who begin to fall in love with each other over zoom.

Mia is a shy and quiet teenage girl who meets Jack, an outgoing and talkative basketball player. Mia pushes down her romantic feelings for Jack at first but then she realizes that he feels the same way about her.

Breakout Love highlights teen struggles during a global pandemic and how it’s possible to still have a connection with someone even if it’s through a computer screen.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

Jeremy The Lemon

Jeremy The Lemon is a funny, and quirky story that follows a 16 year old girl named Daisy and her father. Daisy cares a lemon with a face on it she calls Jeremy, her dad calls her childish for this later being called that at his work. He then makes it up to her with a little stop motion he made of fruit for work.

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Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin Screenplay Paulina Vo-Griffin

New Delivery

A queen’s maiden, Danielle Barg, is delivering the daily bread to the castle for the queen to eat. In the village, Danielle runs into a friendly and charming bread baker, Hannah Lovenen. They both form small talk until Danielle has to leave to deliver the bread.

The next day, Danielle wakes up to chatter in the town. She finds out in the papers and news that the queen had been poisoned by the bread she delivered that was made by Hannah.

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