Kapustin Toccatina
Celicia T.
Kapustin’s Eight Concert Etudes are a virtuosic blend of the long established classical tradition and the spontaneous energy of jazz. Each etude showcases Kapustin’s inventive compositional style, covering a wide range of musical styles while having continuous energy and a rhythmic drive. The third etude, Toccatina, features an abundance of repeated notes that require intense precision, creating relentless momentum throughout. Learning and recording this piece was a fun and rewarding challenge as I explored the etude’s musicality despite its technicality. The fast moving passagework challenged my dexterity as I aim to follow the melodic contours without getting lost in the frenzy of repeated notes. Despite the high demand of technical control and coordination, the etude has many hidden gems and nuances highlighted through rapid dynamic contrast and off-beat accents. The virtuosity of the etude also makes it a perfect choice for an encore piece – short, groovy, and most importantly, fun.
Creativity is my chance to free myself from the objectivity of school; it is the only outlet I have to free my mind and immerse myself in my craft. The spark of life, the spark of imagination, the spark of wonder -- that’s what makes creativity the root of humanity,