
Miguel C.

  • Dance has always been my chosen language, a silent yet powerful form of self-expression that transcends words. In selecting "Dealer" by Lana Del Rey as the song for my choreography, I was drawn to the hauntingly beautiful melody and the raw, poetic nature of her lyrics. Each movement was intricately influenced by her lyrics to make this piece a visual symphony that manifests this emotional trainwreck of a song. Selecting this song added layers to my performance, allowing me to intertwine Lana’s narrative with my own interpretation. As I dance, I invite the audience to partake in this piece by interpreting it through their own personal lenses of experience. Through the universal language of dance, I hope to communicate the profound impact that this song has had on me, inviting others to feel the music's depths and connect with the emotions woven into the fabric of my movements.

  • Creativity is a silent yet powerful form of self-expression that transcends the limitations of conventional language. Creativity involves weaving together the threads of emotion, storytelling, and personal connection to craft something entirely new and uniquely reflective of one's inner world.


Rock On!


This Woman's Work - Contemporary Piece