Bird Heart

Emi H.

  • My Image is of a Seagull on the beach looking at its reflection, but turned sideways it looks like a heart. My image can be perceived by people differently. I like to make my viewers think and wonder about my work, and let them decide what my picture resembles to them. My friend thought it was just a seagull on the beach, but another said it looked like a heart and it reminded them of their grandpa who is scared of seagulls. To me I see a really pretty heart made of a seagull and its reflection. But when I see this photo it also reminds me of when I took it. I was on the beach with my family and friends. I had brought my camera but the sky was really dark and cloudy so I was disappointed I didn't get any cool photos. We were packing up and I was tying my shoes while they started walking towards the exit of the beach, so stopped tying my shoes and started running towards them but then my shoes got sand in them, and the chair on my back fell to my side, so I yelled at my mom to wait for me and she yelled back we'll be by the car. And so I sat down to tie my shoe and when I looked up, there was this weird seagull just looking at itself in the water so I pulled out my camera and started photographing it.

  • To me creativity, means being happy, I love being creative and expressing myself in my art and being able to show people what I create. Being creative weather its with photography or in my daily life like making a poster for class, being creative brings me joy.


On Cloud Nine


After Dark