After Dark

Sandy L.

  • This photo was one of my first self portraits. Originally assigned to me at school, self portraiture was not something I was initially drawn to. Though a bit apprehensive at first, I tried to have fun with it and decided to use it as an opportunity to experiment more with lighting. Cramped into the corner of my room, I made this set up using my tripod, an LED light, a sock, a clothing hanger, and an extra birthday candle. I really wanted the photo to be interesting and have more than just a gradient of colors, so while the lighting is the most striking part of the photo, I decided to express bits of myself through the subtle choices in clothing and accessories.

  • Through the creative process, I find a lot of places where I can express myself in ways that are hard to find elsewhere. Looking at my old works I also get to notice things that have changed about me and often find opportunities to self-reflect.


Bird Heart

