Seeping Through

Sana A.

  • I was inspired by a painting by mom had painted as a child. It was a portrait of a frowning clown who is forcing a smile for the audience. I wanted to create a similar piece, however I allowed my character to show his true emotions.

    In the past, I had painted with watercolors and colored pencils but I had never tried my hand at acrylic paint, so I decided to use that as my median. The materials took getting used to but I was able to use my past knowledges to make my idea come true.

    I began by finding a reference photo of an old man. I was looking for a sorrowful face looking at the audience. After I finished the man's face, I added his clown makeup, which was admit-tingly the most terrifying part. I was worried that the bright colors would ruin my work and I would be left with regret. However, I am happy I took the risk and used by most vibrant red for the rosy cheeks and nose. The finished product draws in the audience adds a story to my painting. Had it not been for the makeup, I believe my character would not have looked as dispirited as he does.

  • Using my art, I visualize my thoughts into a physical form, making them easier to understand for me and those around me. These ideas come from my daily life, like who I'm surrounded by, or what I see in my environment.


Body Image

