Wire, Glass, Stainless Steel (Artificial Heart)

Sal M.

Digital Art

  • Inspired by my favorite singer-songwriter Jonathan Coulton, I strived to create a visual depiction of his song ”Artificial Heart.” This is loosely inspired by his lyrical descriptions, my interpretation of it, and my personal connections to the song. I often strive for perfection, trying to escape my troubled, intense emotions and memories of my past. I wanted to represent an almost uncanny, semi-realistic piece with a steel-built heart. Any traces of red represents a real, emotion-filled heart, while traces of silver represent technology attached to get rid of it. Each stroke is messy, not perfect, representing how its artificialness can never be perfect enough to function properly. It serves as a cautionary tale for others but most importantly, for myself. Perfection will not ”fix” you. You must feel (even pain) to be human. And while we’re at it, ”artificial” isn’t better than anything man-made.

  • Creativity is my life. Without it, I feel incomplete. Creativity is stored within my veins, flowing with the determination to express it through any means necessary. Whether that means experimenting with color or styles, I strive to do something different. That’s just part of being an artist.


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