I wrote this song after a confusing year. I was having a hard time with my friends, family, and my relationship. The only thing that helped me was writing music, it didn’t make me feel alone. I sat alone after school in the choir room, and I started with a chord progression. I hummed a melody that I thought sounded good, and I just sang from my heart. I wrote about the first, and only relationship I went through, how I was always excited to see him, and I started seeing him less. I reminisce on when I was happy, and when he, ”loved me.” but realized he was just bored. I write about how he avoided me, and how he acted like I never existed. ”he came out the blue like the Atlantic sea.”
Everyone is creative in different ways. Some people can find different solutions to problems, some people can create art that shows a story they’ve gone through. It’s being able to express yourself without words. Thinking up new questions can be considered creative. Anything that is outside of the box.