Shabbat Shalom

Shaina C.

Fabric, Ribbon, Beads, Hot Glue

  • I made this artwork to highlight the Jewish tradition of Shabbat. The artwork itself is a challah cover, which covers challah, the special bread one eats on shabbat, while saying the blessing for bread. I used hot glue to attach ribbons to the fabric to form leaves and the words ”shabbat shalom” in the center, which are written in Hebrew. Shabbat Shalom is a common greeting on Shabbat, which is why I chose to include it in this work. The piece features pomegranates in the corner, which I made by gluing on fabric and embroidering beads over it. Pomegranates are a symbolic fruit in Judaism because the seeds represent the 613 mitzvot, which are commandments, in the Torah. I also embroidered beads over the fabric to form the leaves as well. Throughout the piece, I included plastic flowers which I glued on as well.

  • To me, creativity is expressing myself in unique ways and exploring the different parts of my identity. By exploring a variety of different mediums, I have learned more about what materials I prefer and which materials best represent who I am. Creativity for me is deeply tied to my identity.


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